Enrico Tettamanti is a professional skipper, sailed more than 150,000 miles around the world. In 2002 he created his first project Kamana, the extreme sailing for everyone, to navigate in remote areas of the planet. Since then Kamana is synonym of exploration and shipping. Enrico is one of the few skippers in the world to achieved Antarctica, Greenland and Alaska. We met him for you.
How did it started your sailor life?
I travel by boat since I was young, thanks to my family’s passion for the sea and the sail.
Which kind of boat is Kamana (a Solaris 72)?
The boat is built to face both long voyages in polar and tropical destinations, thanks to its solid structure.
How do you prepare your boat to face the ocean?
To me, the most important thing to safely reach those extreme places that we like, is the perfect preparation of the boat. We spend lot of time for maintenance works: twice a year we stop the boat at least for one month to check all the equipment and to do the repairs where needed. In my opinion, on a boat, is periodically necessary to dismantle all the equipment, even if there’s nothing broken, to strictly check everything is perfectly working and efficient.
How do you prepare your boat to face the ocean?
We’re used to sail in areas where there are no services, with many difficulties in supplying. For this reason I believe that nothing is really indispensable, except for a very good crew, experienced, professional and, of course, adventurer.
“I think the most difficult part is decide to leave, the rest comes by itself.”
Enrico Tettamanti
What are the three places where to sail at least once in their lifetime?
It’s very difficult to restrict the choice to three places, but I think that Alaska, Baja California and Indonesia are a must-see travel destination.
Do you have any advice for those who want to follow your path?
The most important thing which I’m working on since years is to find a way to share our experience, trying to inspire all the people who would like to reach the most isolated and fascinating places of our planet in a different way. I think the most difficult part is decide to leave, the rest comes by itself.
Where you will sail in the coming months?
Now the boat is in Thailand, in the coming months we will explore the archipelago of Mergui- Burma, and then we will move to the Andaman-India. In April we’ll begin the long route to Alaska, from where we will attempt the Northwest Passage.