Rick Bailey
Since childhood I’ve been a sailing and boating enthusiast. I grew up in Florida and had the great blessing to live on lake-front property. It seems as though a great deal of my growing-up years were spent on or in the water. I swam, dove, skied, sailed, fished, skim-boarded, and played ten months a year. The other two months were a little too cool for being in the water, but I often fished then. My adult life arrived. Years of study, work, family and responsibility flowed by. Almost on a whim, I bought an 18 foot day sailor – and I was hooked. We’ve had several boats since then – including a ski boat when my boys were more interested in speed than going slowly. We now have a Watkins 27 coastal cruiser. We sailed her in Jacksonville, FL, then trucked her up to Maryland when I got stationed in Washington DC.
We love sailing the Chesapeake, and we love time spent on the boat. I happen to like all the maintenance aspects of boat ownership as well, so owning an old boat fits me: lots to repair and maintain!
Rick Bailey14 June 2016
New Navigation Lights and Mounting Board
Rick Bailey25 April 2016
Rust-Stained Sails? Try This
Rick Bailey20 April 2016
Middle Bay Sailing. “Launched, Unexpectedly…”
Rick Bailey22 March 2016
Bottom Prep for Paint, and A New Prop Shaft
Rick Bailey8 February 2016
Middle Bay Sailing. Winter Break is Over