Sailing Nandji Ep 204 – OUR LAST SAIL AS A DUO! Boatyard Bound…

In Sailing Nandji Ep 204, after exploring the beautiful city of Penang and checking out hospitals and doctors for the new spud, we figured we wanted to prepare Nandji for the next adventure. With limited boatyards in Malaysia, we have to explore all our options, including the local fishing vessel yard…
With a green light to haul out in the coming days, we leave the city and the fancy marina and head to sea. Penang is connected to the mainland by 2 very long bridges and Nandji has only passed under a few bridges so the novelty of this was amusing.
Clear of the bridges and back into the Malacca straits, we upwind sail through the day and night to get south to the boatyard. Bonita continually grows rounder and due to covid restrictions tightening around the country, this could be the last sail as a duo. Baby is coming and the nesting begins!!
Watch Sailing Nandi’s previous episode