The Arctic Homecoming is the story about a group of good friends sailing from Canada and back to Norway with the 42-foot Swedish built sailboat, as a base for all the adventures that they wanted to carry out during their time there. Their hope is simply to traveling to remote places that have only been seen by a handful of people. Most of the film take place on Greenland where the crew sailed for one month to explore and hike in the fantastic nature.
“Last year we traveled to one of the most beautiful places on earth in search of the perfect hiking and sailing adventure on Greenland“, says Sindre Kolbjørnsgard, who produced The Arctic Homecoming. “On our journey we crossed the north Atlantic from the east coast of Canada via Greenland, before sailing back home to Norway after a month on Greenland. The Arctic Homecoming is a travel video unlike any other. It captures the heart, soul and beauty of a fantastic expedition.“
Could you tell us something more about your adventure?
“The boat was already in Canada and this was the last leg to complete an Atlantic circumnavigation home to Norway. I got asked if I wanted to join the trip by the captain’s son Max and being an adventurer I couldn’t pass this opportunity up.“
“The planed route was to make our way up Newfoundland and the Labrador coast, from there cross the North Atlantic via Greenland, Iceland, the Faro Islands and back to Norway. We were a crew of five in total, three of us were along the entire trip (the captain Jarl, his son Max and me) and the other two where changed out in Greenland for to others.“
“Once we got to Greenland we had a lot of exploring to do, sailing in uncharted fjords, hiking and climbing in the areas around the boat. where we stayed for a month exploring, mountain climbing, learning and seeing the Viking remans that are there.“
“We split up in two groups so that there always was someone on the boat. Max and I did a five-day hike crossing one of the peninsulas dividing two fjords, climbing and fishing our way across. We had to use satellite phones to stay in contact with the boat because of the high mountains surrounding the fjords the VHF will only work once you can see each other. Along the time we spent there we bought fresh fish from the local fishermen and fished our selves. When we made it down to the entrance of the Prince Christian Sound where I decided to climb the iceberg.“

“From here on we made our way through the Sound, but the East entrance was blocked by sea ice, so we anchored by a small village of about 70 people living there. After a few days we got a good ice report and were able to pass through and head for Iceland!“
You can discover more on Sindre socials