French yard announced the new Wauquiez Pilot Saloon 42, set to be released in 2018, designed by Olivier Racoupeau.
Christian Iscovici, Managing director of the two shipyards says : “We started at the BOOT the commercialisation on plan of these new unit and will introduce her to our clients beginning of next year.”

“The new Wauquiez Pilot Saloon 42 has a high-performance hull shape”, says Olivier Racoupeau. “The straight bow stretches the waterline to the absolute maximum length resulting in better performances and higher speeds. The powerful bow and soft hull chines provide a high shape stability, very important for offering a sailing yacht behaving well in all conditions. The Pilot Saloon 42 has a powerful stern suited for a double rudder configuration making the boat easy to helm downwind and at the same time reducing the wetted surface which improves the sailing performances in light winds. We also paid special attention to the appendages. The Pilot Saloon 42 is fitted with double rudders offering optimal control at all points and conditions of sail. We offer a deep draft keel of 2,15m lowing the center of gravity and offering ultimate sailing performance and a 1,75m short draft keel for those who like to navigate and anchor in small and shallow creeks.“
Technical specifications
Length overall: 12.99m
Length at waterline: 11.80m
Maximum beam: 4.32m
Draught: 2.15m
Engine: Yanmar75 Hp
Displacement: 10.7t
Main sail: 46m²
Genoa: 43.5m²
Sail Area upwind: 89.5m²