Thomas Coville: the sailor who secretly wants to break the record around the world

Nobody talks about, but with 4322 nm to go, Thomas Coville (FRA) and his 31m maxi trimaran Sodebo Ultim’ has finally stopped the bleeding in his attempt to break the solo round the world record.
After losing miles on his lead for the past week, now his margin reached 1578 nm ahead of the current record pace of 57d 13h 34m 6s set by Francis Joyon on the 29.8m trimaran IDEC in January 2008.
Thomas Coville (FRA) and the 31m maxi trimaran Sodebo Ultim‘ started the attempt to break the solo round the world record from in Brest (France) on November 6.

The current record of 57d 13h 34m 6s, which starts and finishes between the island of Ushant and Lizard Point in southern England, was set by Francis Joyon (FRA) on the 29.8m trimaran IDEC in January 2008. To break the record, Coville must finish by January 3 at 4:23:57 am (French time).