Her name is Carolina Conde Salema and she is 16 years old. Right now she lives in Faial, Azores, but she was born in Lisbon. She is in the 11th grade studying the area of Science and Technologies. Her dream? Next year she would to participate in School at Sea!
What’s the program School at Sea?

To explain to you what is School at Sea I’ll start by telling you their base principal “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.” School at Sea is a chance for kids my age to evolve and have better views of the world. It consists on studying around six months in a hollandaise school ship. While living with other youngsters and having to manage your life at the same time with a lot of new responsibilities allows you to grow specially while you are travelling and seeing new places and different cultures. So basically School at Sea is a great project that contributes to create strong and skilled people able to make their own choices and become good citizens.
Why do you need to participate?

I want to participate in School at Sea not only because I love the idea of studying aboard a School ship with other people my age, learning to sail, to speak another language, to manage my life and be more responsible but also because I feel that a project like this could change my life, my point of view about things and I believe that is very important to make me more ready to confront what’s ahead of me.
It’s an expensive program: how do you organized in order to finance?
The School challenges us to raise the amount of money needed through activities, campaigns and especially through sponsorships. So lately I’ve been looking for sponsorships, but it’s being really hard since here in Portugal things aren’t really good. Then if you are reading this and you would like to help me please contact me. I also created a T-shirt campaign.
So, we think it’s a great project! We would help Carolina to realize her dream?!