Sailing Nandji Ep 174 – Preparing our Yacht to Cross Oceans

Sailing Nandji Ep 174: this video was filmed early February before the global pandemic really took off. Thailand was one of the first countries affected and we took the adequate precautions early to protect ourselves.
In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we arrive back to Chalong bay on the south coast of Thailand to comlpete some more boat jobs to prepare our yacht to cross oceans. We only recently left the boat yard in Krabi and after a great down wind sail, we are back to Phuket where we can readily find everything we need to finish off the niggling jobs at anchor.
Our departure date is approaching fast and we need to stock up on engine spares ready for the year of sailing that lied ahead. We cruise around Phuket on the scooter collecting the necessary items and complete some of those jobs off the list like painting the bilge in the V-berth, installing harness points and up grading the running rigging on the mainsail. Discover more on Sailing Nandji Ep 174.
Watch Sailing Nandi’s previous episode.