
World on Water Global Sailing News: Foiling Dinghy, Conrad Colman, Anchoring…

In this episode, the foiling Laser is rolled out and tested in the UK and the incredible Vendee Globe for Kiwi/Yank Conrad Colman came to an end after 780 miles under jury rig. Conradโ€™s story would make and sailor weep but after fire on-board, sail blow-outs, falling overboard and getting back on-board the mast fell down and he had to build a jury-rig and sail upwind to the finish. At no time did he consider abandoning the race.

Now thatโ€™s what we call a sailor. Welcome home Conrad, we salute you as the real winner in this VG. Pantaenius Sail and Power Insuranceโ€™ Yachting World Anchoring advice is given by expert Skip Novak, MHYC Sydney Harbour Regatta and the final race of the 2017 JJ Giltinan 18 Footer Championships saw carnage galore on a blustery Sydney Harbour. Phew, what a week for sailing.

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