Sailing Indonesia Ep 153 – Losing Our Anchor… TWICE!

Sailing Indonesia Ep 153: in this episode of Sailing Nandji, we arrive to the island of Simeulue in Indonesia. The island is governed by Sharia law and as we know this is the law of the qaran, we do not know what it means for tourists.
To be on the safe side Bonita is well covered on arrival not to offend anyone. This anchorage sucks. Even though the bay is long, skinny, shallow and with a sand bottom, it is open to the South West and the Indian Ocean. Meaning any swell goes directly into the bay.
To combat the roll, we set a stern anchor… Yosh goes surfing up the point one afternoon and whilst in the waves, noticed Flubber drifting on pass. Whats all this about? The anchor had come off the rode… Losing one anchor, sure it happens. Losing 2 anchors in 2 days… Come On! Losing our anchor twice is un heard of!