Malin and Johan are a Swedish couple who untied the lines in January 2016 and started to sail south along the European coast. So they moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built aluminium Beason 40, and untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter and started to sail south along the coast of Europe. They are currently sailing across the Atlantic.
They wanted to find the answer to a question: What’s it like to sail across the Atlantic in a 62 ft boat or a 30 ft boat?
In this video they talk to the owners of both and have a look at their boats. One of the coolest things about sailing is that it doesn’t really matter what boat your sailing. You can still sail to the same places!
Read more about Malin, Johan and the boat and get updates and photos!
– Website/blog: http://ransailing.wordpress.com
– Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ransailing
Thank you for the Website-Tipp.
I didn’t know them before!