Sailing Nandji Ep 55 – No Wind No Motor, Drifting at Sea

We sail 130nm from Tanna island to Efate island with no engine and have some exciting Marlin fishing on the way. Arriving safely, we set off island style on a drive around the island...

In this episode of Sailing Nandji, We leave Tanna island around lunch time and sail 130 nautical miles to Port Villa, Efate island, Vanuatu. We leave in a good breeze at our backs and have some exciting fishing on the way.

Three Marlin take the bait and give Yosh some challenging and emotional fishing. We head into the night with a 25 knots on our backs, then two hours later have none. The wind disappeared for hours and we lay ahull bobbing around aimlessly in the middle of the ocean.

We have engine issues and do not want to use the engine to make problems worse. Finally we arrive to Port Villa and inspect the engine with some help from another yachtie. Breaking more things, we set off around Port Villa in search of boat parts. We meet a local guy who was very helpful so we take him along for a ride around the island in a little mini moke car. We meet some other Australians on the way and two turns to three turns to five and its party time!

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