VIDEO Are you sure is the right moment to hoist the Spinnaker?


30-35 knots of wind a risky move and here is the broaching!!! Are you sure is the right moment to hoist the spinnaker?

Something about the spinnaker

spinnaker is a  sail designed specifically for sailing off the wind from a reaching course to a downwind, i.e. with the wind 90–180° off bow. The spinnaker fills with wind and balloons out in front of the boat when it is deployed, called flying. It is constructed of lightweight fabric, usually nylon, and is often brightly colored . It may be optimised for a particular range of wind angles, as either a reaching or a running spinnaker, by the shaping of the panels and seams.

The spi is often called a kite, or a chute (as in cruising chute) because it somewhat resembles a parachute in both construction and appearance. This should not be confused with the spinnaker chute, which is a hull fitting sometimes used for launching and recovering the spi. A purported etymology has the first boat to carry this sail being a Cowes yacht named Sphinx, from which “Sphinx’s Acre” and eventually “Spinnaker”.

There are two main categories of spinnakers, symmetric and asymmetric depending on whether a plane of symmetry exists for that particular sail. Asymmetric spinnakers operate more like a jib, generating lift from the side, rather than the top like a symmetric spinnaker. This makes asymmetrics a better choice on reaching courses than symmetric spinnakers, which excel when running. While a fully equipped racing boat might have a number of spinnakers, both symmetric and asymmetric, to cover all courses and wind conditions, cruising boats almost always use an asymmetric, due to the broader application and easier handling afforded by the asymmetric.

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