Sailing Nandji Ep 159. In this episode of Sailing Nandji, after a couple of days at sea, we arrive back to the island of Phuket in Thailand.
After spending 5 months in remote Indonesia we were craving the simple things in life that a developed tourist area offers. Western food and supermarkets, wine and lots of people! Bonita makes the most of being able to get dressed up and look pretty and then is left alone with the scissors…
It is good to be back in Thailand where everything just feels easier and more free. We have a tradition now that when ever we complete a passage we hunt for the nearest beer and burger for breakfast! We happen to drop anchor next to Uncle’s boat and it is great to see this legend again and celebrate his birthday!
With full bellies and big smiles, we relax into Thailand life again and prepare for the onward journey.
Watch Sailing Nandi’s previous episode