Sailing Nandji Ep 117 – Off to the Boat Yard we go!

With Nandji in Dire Straits of repair, with 2nm left to reach the boat yard surely nothing else could go wrong...

Sailing Nandji Ep 117, after months of sailing and pushing both ourselves and Nandji, we arrive to the island of Langkawi where we plan to complete extensive boat work. We first decided to come to Langkawi for the tax free imports to the island and the fact there was 4 different boatyards to choose from.

Off to the Boat Yard we go! (Sailing Nandji) Ep 117

This must mean lots of boats and lots of places to get things done. But don’t assume these things as we discover. We shop around for a boatyard and finally after waiting a week, off to the boat yard we go and are hauled out and life on the hard stand stand begins.

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