Sailing Nandji Ep 99 – Sailing the Most Beautiful Place in the World

If i was ever to have an Eye-gasm.. it would happen here! Most spectacular place i've ever been!

Sailing Nandji Ep 99: this week, we make the decision to sail off the beaten path and head super remote in search of the most beautiful place in the world.

During our time in Raja Ampat we had seen other tourists and dive boats from nearby resorts. We wanted to get as far away as we could, to the hard to reach places where very few make the effort to go. We first thought we would not visit the island of Wayag as it exactly that, a long way away.

With strong trade winds blowing, it would be downwind sailing to reach the island but make it extremely difficult to leave. We decided it was worth it, even if we got stuck for a week or two. What we discovered was simply amazing and well worth the effort of being stranded in paradise!

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