Sailing Nandji Ep 96 – Exploring Raja Ampat by Sailboat

Sailing the WRONG way means discovering hidden gems in Raja Ampat

Sailing Nandji Ep 96: we leave the tiny island of Air Borek in Raja Ampat, Indonesia and begin the final sail towards the small town of Waisai to collect our new crew member.

I did a little whoopsy and when put the coordinates into our plotter to find the town, it was 30nm back the other direction, into the wind and current! Lucky we left 2 days to travel! Exploring Raja Ampat by sailboat means you can peek around every corner and find something stunning.

As we had to travel back the wrong way, we were forced to find ourselves an anchorage for the night and discovered one of our favorite anchorages in all of Raja Ampat! Pristine reef in vodka clear water to dive on and a sneaky private beach to relax. This is why we love living on Nandji, discovering these hidden gems that we never knew existed!

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