Sailing Nandji, Ep 73 – Under Attack! the Mold Invasion!

In Sailing Nandji, Ep 73, Bonita’s folks leave us and we are back to the boat with the weather still very stormy.

Wanting to leave the anchorage and find some reception, we depart with the weather still very unpredictable. A great introduction back to boat life! Of course we need to change course and head for a more more protected anchorage due to the weather.

Finally the sun returns and with it is the invasion of the black mould. With no air flow in the boat for over a week, things became a little smelly and then the invasion begun. We spend (well Bonita mostly) cleaning and scrubbing the boat with natural remedies and let you in on some secrets.

With a clean boat again, we head back to town where Marley gets him self into some mischief…

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