Interview with Susie Goodall, the only Female Sailor at next Golden Globe Race

Susie Goodall is a British offshore and ocean sailing instructor. She will be the only woman participating at the next Golden Globe Race 2018. We met her.

Susie Goodall is a British offshore and ocean sailing instructor. She will be the only woman participating at the next Golden Globe Race 2018. We met her.

What does it mean for you to participate in Golden Globe 2018

It’s a big challenge for me, but with all the planning and preparation going into it I feel ready for it. Just to get to the start line, it’ll have taken me 3 years.

Why did you chose Ariadne, your Rustler 36? 

I chose a Rustler 36 because I was after a boat at the larger end of the scale and the Rustler had everything that I was after.

Photo DHL/Susie Goodall Racing

How are you training for the Golden Globe?

After getting the boat 2 years ago I did an Atlantic loop last winter to really get to know the boat. The loop was over 8,000nm which was enough to know how the boat handles in various conditions, and also to work out exactly how I wanted to set the boat up for the race. After 6 months of refit I’ll be doing some shorter training trips but thats mainly focused on fine tuning everything before the start.

What is harder: to prepare yourself mentally or physically?

Definitely mentally, there’s no rule book on how to do it. Training physically is more obvious, but is still a big part of preparations.

You will not have technology on board: is it a challenge for you?

The whole thing is a challenge and not having technology does make it that bit harder. I’m going back in time, its fun too, I’ve learnt a lot about the 60’s.

Photo DHL/Susie Goodall Racing

We know that you always admired Ellen McArthur: how did she inspire you? 

Just watching her as a kid was inspiring, the races she took part in.

You will be the only woman participating in the race: what do you think is the reason?

I don’t think there is a single reason for it, buts it’s probably not far off the rest of the male population not wanting to do it.

Photo DHL/Susie Goodall Racing

Is there something scaring you at the idea of being alone for so many months?

It’s a long time to be alone, I haven’t been alone for that length of time so it’s a challenge ahead. I will have radio contact, which I will very much look forward to I’m sure, it’ll be a bit of a lifeline for me just to have a conversation.

How important are sponsors in this type of races?

For me, very! I am very fortunate to have the incredible support from sponsors. I couldn’t have got this far without them, and having the amazing backing that I do will definitely be a big boost in those really low moments when I think why am I out here!

How did you start sailing?

Through my Family when I was a kid. My parents sailed, so my brothers and I grew up spending all our free time on boats.

Our classic final question: Susie Goodall, what does sailing mean for you?

It’s an itch, a way of life, only way to satisfy the need is to get out on the water.

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