Sailing Nandji Ep 47 – We are the Dolphin Kings!!

In this episode of Sailing Nandji, We adventure further south into the worlds largest lagoon. Island hopping through this paradise from Ilot Uatio to Ilot Kouare.

We head out to the fringing reef and try to find a new surf spot. With no luck, we return to our island paradise and go diving with a pod of dolphins. Then hoisting some sails once more, we leave the lagoon and sail 50nm to Ilse de Pins. It turns out the day was a shocker and was rained non stop all day, but we had some amazing encounters along the way.

Whales breaching close by and following Nandji along then we were greeted with the biggest pod of dolphins we have ever seen. Thousands and thousands of dolphins all playing, surfing the bow and doing flips and all sorts around the boat. An amazing experience to watch these creatures enjoy our company. Dolphins are the king of froth!

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