Sailing Nandji: Crossing Wide Bay Bar

If you have been following along with the ‘Captains Notes’ then you would rememeber at the end of 2016 I begun telling the saga of sailing to Brisbane on a schedule to catch flights.

This was the first time we had put a schedule upon our sailing and that time limit was made shorter discovering that our flights were on Thursday, not Friday like first thought.

Things are just bound to go wrong when you have a time limit and it forces you to make decisions rashly and sail in conditions you would never do other wise. Lucky for us, the weather was perfect for sailing, once we crossed the notorious wide bay bar.

After our long sailing stints getting this far down the coast, we had planned to cross the bar in the afternoon. The conditions were perfect for us to sail overnight down the coast. A risng North East wind in the afternoon, tending more northerly through the night and becoming light early in the morning. A forecast that is perfect for sailing south. If we were on a schedule or not, we would have utilised these conditions. But we were on a schedule, so we had no choice if we wanted to make our flight.

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