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Seven Steps to Survey Your Sailboat Diesel Engine!

How would you like to know how a professional surveyor inspects a small diesel engine? Henry Mustin, internationally recognized as one of the world’s best, shares seven secrets of what he looks for before and during a sea trial.

Follow master surveyor Henry Mustin’s advice to make sure your small diesel engine gives reliable, trouble-free service for many years to come. (photo courtesy of Yanmar Marine)

Use this expert’s guide whether you’re in the market for a small cruising sailboat, or if you already own one.

Mustin claims that the look and feel of the engine and its components give him more signals during a survey than any other factors.

Use your eyes and believe what they tell you. Trust those “red flags” that pop up as you check and test the engine.

Small things can add up to big repair bills and long waits on repair parts to arrive.


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